How to Cover Notebooks with Colored Paper Easily
How to cover notebooks with colored paper is an important know how by which you can beautify your notebook and give an elegant look to your desk or shelf. It also reflects how cool you are thus getting noticed by people.
Notebooks have always been an important element in our daily life, whether you are a student or an employee or a homemaker. We live in a fast-paced world where it is very easy to forget important things. Although we have an infinity of options to note pending and keep track of things, such as our smartphones, notebooks are still valid and very efficient.
Why Need to Cover Your Notebooks
People often cover their notebooks, textbooks, important books, Bible, favorite story books and novels for several reasons. Let’s see what yours is.
Protect Original Notebook Cover
People who want to have an original notebook and protect its cover, the technique is a good solution to prevent it from dust, wet, heat or extreme light exposure and store carefully.
Beautify Notebook Cover
Sometimes you may not like the original notebook cover but bought it because of other good features. Therefore, you may want to change the notebook cover to make it appealing.
Educational Requirement
Many people choose this alternative to personalize their notebooks because educational institutions require it. Instructors may assign DIY projects at home like this. So, students need to know these skills to cover their textbooks as well as notebooks.
How to Cover a Notebook with Colored Paper Step by Step
If you are looking for an article regarding how to cover a notebook beautifully the article is especially for you. The following step by step process will carefully guide you to learn how to cover a notebook with colored paper. Reading the article you will also learn how to cover a book with newspaper or how to make a book cover out of printer paper just by following the same process. Although this can be a task, it is not as boring as many think. Also, if you know how to do it, it will be simple and fast.
These are the basic steps you must follow to cover your notebooks:
Step 1: Choose the Colored Paper
Glossy paper is widely used, because it is profitable and cheap. You can also use sheets of paper or white to have a white notebook, or colored contact paper for more precise gluing. There are a lot of colored paper varieties found in the marketplace in terms of color as well as size, thickness and weight.
You should use a good quality colored paper which is a little bit thick in size for making it long lasting. If you have more notebooks to cover, choose various colored papers wisely. It will benefit you to distinguish your notebooks from others and also find a specific notebook quickly. Paper size is also important as smaller paper size than your notebook will force you to joint gluing the papers which is irritating and also ruins your outer look.
Step 2: Measure the Size of Your Notebook
If it is a model with rings or spirals, you must measure and cut two equal covers, one for the front and one for the back. You must leave a margin of between 2 and 3 cm on the sides to be able to stick the paper well. If it is a model with a spine, you can measure the notebook open on the paper to determine how much you need to cover it.
Step 3: Paste the Paper
Adjust the paper well and use glue or tape on the sides so that the paper adheres. You can use it on the tops or just on the hem. If you use contact paper, you must do it very patiently to avoid bubbles from forming.
Step 4: Glue a Sheet to Cover the Sides
Once you have covered the notebook well, you must place a sheet of paper and the color you want inside the covers. In this way the lining will be perfect on the outside and inside.
Step 5: Attach an Info Sticker on the Top of Cover
You should attach an info sticker on the top of the notebook cover with glue so that you can write the title of the book and other needed details. It will help you to find a specific notebook easily.
Step 6: Decorate Notebooks
After you learn how to make book cover with paper, you can decorate it according to your preference to make it more attractive. The notebooks, in addition to being covered, can also be decorated to personalize them. There are many ways to do it, it all depends on your tastes and the materials you have. You can also find some beautiful ideas online regarding how to make book cover design or how to make book cover online.
If you cover your notebook with white sheets, for example, you can draw a picture on it and color it to your liking. It is also very common to use geometric figures. For this you only need colored paper, glue, scissors and a little imagination. If it is a notebook for language or languages, you can stick letters to the cover, which can be made with paper or foam. And if it’s one for math, you can stick numbers on it.
Actually, getting beautiful notebooks decorated by yourself is easier than you think. You can use many materials to achieve amazing and unique effects such as watercolors, paper cutouts, colored ribbons, glue and glitter, ribbons, fabric, and even newspaper. It’s just a matter of letting your imagination fly.
Covering notebooks with colored paper is an effective and smart way to protect and enhance the appearance of your notebook. As it is an essential item in daily life, it should be used carefully. A good protective and attractive book cover for notebooks is very important. Hence, how to cover a notebook with paper is such a technique that you should know how to do easy book binding at home. Hope, the above simple binding process will be really useful for you to know how to cover a book creatively.
Beautify your notebooks. Be Bookish!
Dennis K. Hawkins is a writer, blogger, book critic and bookish person. He has written several books and regularly write blogs. As a bookish, he reads a lot and regularly share his opinion regarding books. Besides, he has a huge collection of unique accessories related to book. So, he is an expert and also a real user of the book accessories that he chooses to write on.